Contact and information

Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Dr. Maria Effinger

Sarah Debatin M.A.

In the context of, Heidelberg University Library has built up an infrastructure for database-supported bibliographies in cooperation with various institutions and art scholars. The presentation is done by means of the discovery system VuFind, which was developed as open source software and whose layout can be variably adapted to external environments. The titles identified by the academic side are created in the Southwest German Library Network (K10plus) using standards data from the Common Standards File (GND) and indexed by subject. The advantage of this is, among other things, the re-use of already existing title records, the homogeneous and sustainable data management together with the FID's holdings records as well as the existence of interfaces to national and international systems. VuFind provides a variety of search options by means of its modern search engine technology (including faceting, Web2.0 features). An authentication option has also been realised to enable personal search lists, favourites or tagging.

If you are interested in setting up such a specialised bibliography, please contact us now!