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Albrecht Dürer

On arthistoricum.net, Heidelberg University Library, in cooperation with the Art Collections of the City of Nuremberg and the Albrecht-Dürer-Haus-Stiftung e.V., consolidates material relevant to the catalog of works of Albrecht Dürer (1471–1528). The reason for this is the DFG-funded project “duerer.online - Virtual Research Network Albrecht Dürer”, with which a contemporary digital catalog raisonné of the exceptional artist is being established. This project focuses on a long overdue desideratum.

Dürer's personality, his works, writings and their reception are so popular as research subjects that indexed printed publications with bibliographic apparatus are quickly outdated. The catalog raisonnés of Dürer's unique works, i.e. his drawings (published 1936–1939) and paintings (published 1971 and 1992), are clearly showing their age. Even the most recent edition of his written estate (published 1956–1969), which claimed to be complete, no longer complies with the current edition guidelines. Only the artist's prints have been recently edited (published 2001–2004).

The text and image collections by, after, and about Dürer, many of which are already available in the digital collections of the institutions that hold them internationally, will be successively compiled here for the interested public. This is accompanied by a constantly growing bibliography. For this purpose Heidelberg University Library, together with cooperating institutions, is also compiling the hard-to-access early scholarly discussions on the artist. The recently digitized Heidelberg literature is listed separately.


This page is under construction and will be updated regularly.


Von Ausstellungen & Publikationen

In außerordentlicher Regelmäßigkeit finden international Ausstellungen zu Dürers Leben, Wirken und künstlerischem Einfluss statt. Ebenso erscheinen kontinuierlich wissenschaftliche und populärkulturelle Bücher, die danach streben, Person und Werk zu erschließen und einzuordnen.
Nähere Informationen finden Sie hier.