The specialised art history information service works closely with research institutions, universities, museums and libraries. This makes it possible to further develop the portal's services in line with academic needs and current research trends and issues.
In addition to providing its own information services, the portal also sees itself as an interactive presentation and communication space for interdisciplinary research and interest groups. It aims to give academic projects the opportunity to make their research results available to an interested art-historical public and put them up for discussion. Numerous partner institutions are already working together with in order to make available the widest possible, most varied and interesting range of art-historically relevant sources, networks and findings.
Are you also working on art historical research projects whose content you would like to make visible on in a thematic portal? Would you like to work together with on the digital cataloguing of sources relevant to your work? Is your thematic working group looking for a suitable space for its interactive, network-orientated online presentation?
Then write to us! We look forward to hearing your ideas and will be happy to advise you on the various offers and possibilities of