In the context of the current funding by DFG also facilitates the supra-regional provision of digital media subject to license. Together with the Kompetenzzentrum für die Lizenzierung elektronischer Resourcen (KfL)we selected a wide range of suitable products, negotiated with the providers and acquired licenses. Via the so-called “FID-Lizenzen”, these products are now made available supra-regionally for specific user groups.
Currently the following products are available:
- 105 English language E-Books (JSTOR E-Books in Art, Design and Photography)
- 307 E-Books by Italian and Spanish publishers (Torossa E-Books, Casalini)
- 70 English language E-Books (University Press Scholarship Online / E-Book-Collection Art and Architecture)
- Faenza. Bollettino del Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche in Faenza ; rivista bimestrale di studi storici e di tecnica dell'arte ceramica, 2011ff. (Torossa E-Journals, Casalini)
Our "Schaufenster FID-Lizenzen - Kunst - Fotografie - Design" gives you an easily accessible overview of the individual titles within the range. From the respective hit you can - if you have registered accordingly - directly access the full text.
To use this full text range, you need to register and be part of the authorized user group. Registration is possible for
- Members of German university institutions in the fields of history of art, design and photography
- Members of the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte München
- Members of the Kunsthistorisches Instituts in Florenz (Max-Planck-Institut)
- Members of the Bibliotheca Hertziana - Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte
- Members of the Deutscher Verband für Kunstgeschichte e.V.
- Members of ICOM Deutschland – Deutsches Nationalkomitee des Internationalen Museumsrats
For further information:
To access our products you need to register.
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