FONTES. Textual and Visual Sources for the History of Art 1350–1750
FONTES provides annotated full-text versions and image documents on early modern discussions of art and artifacts in the broadest sense.
This includes not only all text genres that Julius von Schlosser included in his standard work "Die Kunstliteratur" (1924), but also, for example, antiquarian literature, archival sources, poems, commentaries, passages from lexical and encyclopedic works.
Particular emphasis is also placed - especially since the relaunch of FONTES (and thus a change of subtitle) in 2022 and from No. 93 onwards - on the importance of pictorial documents, i.e. publications consisting largely or entirely of pictorial plates on collections, patterns, art instruction, reception of antiquities, and the like.
FONTES thus works on a critical reformulation of Schlosser's project; the diversity and Europe-wide interconnectedness of art discourse and its meaning are to be comprehensively explored.
Current issue:
Ulrich Pfisterer: »Rom, wie es war und wie es ist«. Die Erfindung der Vorher-Nachher-Illustration in der Frühen Neuzeit (FONTES 96)
Diletta Gamberini : L’ arte al tempo della ruina. Antonio Tebaldeo e tre poetiche storie di immagini nella Roma del Sacco (FONTES 95)
Ulrich Pfisterer: »Wie man Skulpturen aufnehmen soll« . Der Beitrag der Antiquare im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert (FONTES 93)