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my.arthistoricum.net offers a variety of services to help you access our resources in a way that is customized to your individual interests and research focus. For instance, it grants access to newly integrated data and to value-added services of the bibliographies in arthistoricum.net matching your research topics. The services provided by my.arthistoricum are regularly updated.

Services of my.arthistoricum.net

New additions


  • With your arthistoricum.net identifier, personalized features from the bibliographies we provide are at your disposal, i.e. marking favorites, tagging and commenting.


This is based on the prerequisite that you register personally. There are two ways to register:

  • If you belong to an institution that runs a provider within the DFN-AAI-infrastructure (authentication via Shibboleth), please use your local identifier. It might be necessary that your institution activates the use of our SDI service. Should access with your local identifier be denied, please contact redaktion@arthistoricum.net.

    Tip: To find out whether your institution is a member of the above-mentioned infrastructure, use this link.

  • Login via arthistoricum.net directly:

    Register directly with our portal. With the password that you obtain there you can use all personalized services without restriction.

Registration for my.arthistoricum.net

You are interested in using our personalized services but are not a member of an institution of the DFN-AAI network? No problem - register here!

Questions and Support

You have questions concerning my.arthistoricum.net and its personalized services? You would like to retain further information or have tips for improvement and expandibility? Please contact us via: