The online review journal Kunstform appears monthly and contains discussions on present academic art literature. It is published by Philippe Cordez, Hubertus Kohle, Florian Leitner, Sigrid Ruby, Kerstin Schankweiler and Ute Verstegen.
From 2000 up to September 2001 the journal was part of “Server Frühe Neuzeit" and between September 2001 and April 2006 became part of the succeeding internet platform historicum.net. Since May 2006 Kunstform is hosted by arthistoricum.net. The Journal first appeared quarterly; since 2001 it is published monthly.
The art historical discussions, from now on, also appear in the interdisciplinary online review journal for History sehepunkte.
Selection of Further Online Review Platforms
- H-ArtHist Rezensionen
Archived reviews by the Art History mailing-list in H-Net
- histara
International review journal for Archaeology, Art History and related subjects hosted by the INHAA (Paris)
- H-Soz-u-Kult - Rezensionen
Review section of the Communication and Information Services for Historians H-Soz-u-Kult
- IASL Online
Platform for electronic reviews on German literature and cultural sciences
Review journal by the Giessen Graduate School for the Humanities (Gießener Graduiertenzentrum Kulturwissenschaften (GGK))
- recensio.net
Review platform for European History