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Workshopreihe Frühling/Sommer 2024 nach oben

03.05.2024, 14:00–15:30 Uhr

Sasha Rossman, Universität Bern

Border Games. Materializing Borders and Learning to Think in Limits, in 17th-century and 18th-century France


24.05.2024, 14:00–15:30 Uhr

Vincent Rudolf, Aachen

Voyage pittoresque autour du monde. Panoramic Wallpapers of the Early 19th Century as a Topographical Image Medium


28.06.2024, 14:00–15:30 Uhr

Elke Katharina Wittich, Leibniz Universität Hannover

Cities in the Danube Region. On the astonishing Spread of City Views in Prints during the Turkish Wars