Japanese Pattern And Ornament Templates

At the end of the 19th century, with the opening of the Japanese Empire to the Western world, a strange and rich new wealth of forms also arrived in Europe, which was received with great interest, especially by the arts and crafts movement. Fabric patterns, dyeing stencils (so-called katagami), ornamental patterns, and many other things entered the pattern collections of the arts and crafts movement in large numbers and were available to the arts and crafts schools for the aesthetic education of students. These collections were already published around the turn of the century, in part in richly illustrated books and portfolios.

Last update: 18th September 2021

The Ornamental art of Japan, vol. 1
London, Sampson Low, 1884 | Katalogeintrag | zum Digitalisat

Images and plates of Japanese woodcuts, drawings, fabric patterns and decorative art objects.

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

The Ornamental art of Japan, Vol. 2
London, Sampson Low, 1884 | Katalogeintrag | zum Digitalisat

Images and plates of Japanese woodcuts, drawings, fabric patterns and decorative art objects.

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

Japanische ornamentale Zeichnungen
Band 1, [ohne Ort], 1890 | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

30 picture plates, ornaments from fauna and flora, Japanese inscription.

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

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Japanische ornamentale Zeichnungen
Band 2, [ohne Ort], 1890 | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

27 plates with Japanese ornamental drawings, motifs from flora and fauna.

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

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Japanische ornamentale Zeichnungen
Band 3, [ohne Ort], 1890 | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

27 plates with Japanese ornamental drawings of flora and fauna.

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

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Japanische Pflanzen-Ornamente
Band 1, [ohne Ort], 1890 | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

Leporello with 21 picture plates, plant motifs for vases.

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

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Japanische Pflanzen-Ornamente
Band 2, [ohne Ort], 1890 | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

Leporello with 28 picture plates, plant motifs for vases.

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

Japanische Pflanzen-Ornamente
Band 3, [ohne Ort], 1890 | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

Leporello with 26 picture plates, plant motifs for vases.

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

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Japanische Pflanzen-Ornamente
Band 4, [ohne Ort], 1890 | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

48 plates with floral ornamental drawings.

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

Japanische ornamentale Zeichnungen
Band 5, [ohne Ort], 1890 | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

34 picture plates with Japanese ornamental drawings, motifs from flora and fauna.

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

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Japanische Blumen und Ornamente
[ohne Ort], [1890] |  Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

58 picture plates with floral motifs, Japanese inscription.

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

Königliche Kunstschule für Textilindustrie
Japanische Vorbilder. Landschaften, Figuren, Tiere
Plauen, Königliche Kunstschule, [1890] | Katalogeintrag | zum Digitalisat

Color prints with landscape and nature motifs, 24 plates.

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

Japanische Vorbilder. Vögel, Tiere, Figuren
[ohne Ort], [1890] | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

156 plates with colored drawings, different motif groups.

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

Japanische Pflanzenbilder
Plauen, Kunstschule, [1890] | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

86 plates, drawings, partly in color, with floral motifs and depictions of animals.

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

Japanische Illustrationen
Plauen, Königliche Kunstschule, [ca. 1890] | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

17 plates, motifs from European applied art, including title pages, inspired by Japanese ornament.

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

Justus Brinckmann, Kantonales Gewerbemuseum
Japanische Flächenornamente. Achtundvierzig Tafeln in Farbendruck und fünf Originalvignetten nach japanischen Färberschablonen im Ethnologischen Gewerbemuseum in Aarau
Aarau, 1892 | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

Introduction by Justus Brinckmann on Japanese arts and crafts, 48 color plates with katagami (Japanese dye stencils)

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

Japanische Ornamente
Band 1, [ohne Ort], 1892 | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

Introduction in Japanese, 64 color plates with ornaments.

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

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Japanische Ornamente
Band 1a, [ohne Ort], 1892 | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

50 plates with colored ornamental drawings

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

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Japanische Ornamente
Band 4, [ohne Ort], 1892 | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

Introduction in Japanese, 51 colored plates with ornaments

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

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Japanische Ornamente
Band 5, [ohne Ort], 1892 | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

Introduction in Japanese, 54 color plates with ornaments

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

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Japanische Ornamente
Band 9, [ohne Ort], 1892 | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

Introduction in Japanese, 54 color plates with ornaments

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

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Japanische Ornamente
Band 9a, [ohne Ort], 1882 | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

21 colored plates with ornamental drawings

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

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Japanische Ornamente
Band 10, [ohne Ort], 1892 | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

Introduction in Japanese, 53 colored plates with ornaments

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

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Japanische Ornamente
Band 12, [ohne Ort], 1892 | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

Introduction in Japanese, 21 colored plates with ornaments

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

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Japanische Gräsermotive
[ohne Ort], [1895] | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

15 drawn plates with floral motifs, Japanese inscription

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

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Japanische Vogelstudien
Band 4, [ohne Ort], [1895] | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

24 plates with colored drawings of different birds

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

Japanische Vogelstudien
Band 6, [ohne Ort], [1895] | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

27 plates with colored drawings of different birds

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

Arthur Seemann (Hg.)
Japanische Färbeschablonen. Hundert Muster kleineren Formates in Originalgrösse
Leipzig, Seemann, 1899 | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

Introduction, 100 plates with Katagami (Japanese dyeing stencils) of different motifs.

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

Japanische ornamentale Zeichnungen
Band 4, [ohne Ort], 1899 | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

26 plates with Japanese pictorial motifs from fauna and flora

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

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Japanische Blumenstudien
Plauen, Stoll, [1900] | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

15 plates with colored floral ornaments and flowers

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

Japanische Färbeschablonen. Fische und Wasser
[ohne Ort], [1900] | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

23 picture plates of Japanese Katagami (dye stencils)

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

Japanische Ornamente
[ohne Ort], [1900] | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

38 plates with colored ornamental drawings, Japanese introduction

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

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Japanische Ornamente
[ohne Ort], [1900] | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

64 plates with Japanese ornamental drawings

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

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Japanische Stoffmuster
[ohne Ort], [1900] | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

62 plates with colored drawings of large-scale fabric patterns for kimonos

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

Japanische Stoffmuster
Band 2, [ohne Ort], [1900] | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

104 plates with Japanese ornaments and patterns for fabric design

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

Japanische Stoffmuster
Band 3, [ohne Ort], [1900] | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

103 plates with colored Japanese ornament and pattern drawings for fabric designs

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

Japanische Stoffmuster
Band 6, [ohne Ort], [1900] | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

103 plates with colored Japanese ornament and pattern drawings for fabric samples

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

Japanische Blumen, Ornamente
[ohne Ort], [1900] | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

33 plates, colored, with floral motifs

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

Japanische Schmetterlinge und Blüten
[ohne Ort], [1900] | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

24 plates with flower motifs

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau


Shinhana Moneho
Japanische Vorbilder
[ohne Ort], [1900] | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

10 plates with colored drawings of different, partly floral, partly flat motifs

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

Die Welle. Japanische Ornamente
Elberfeld, Schöpp, [1900] | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

Leporello with 33 pages, colored ornaments, water and wave structures

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

Landschaften und Vögel
Plauen, Kunsthochschule, [1900] | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

12 plates with colored landscape drawings

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

Japanische Stoffmuster
Plauen, Stoll, [1900] | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

Leporello with 23 pages, drawn fabric patterns with floral motifs

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

Japanische Kleinkunst
Elberfeld, Schöpp & Vorsteher, [um 1900] | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

63 plates with watercolor drawings, animal and plant motifs

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau

Recueil de Peintures Japonaises sur soie
Paris, Guerinet, [um 1900] | Katalogeintrag | Zum Digitalisat

20 plates with drawings, various motif groups and themes

From the collection of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau