Gajewski, Alexandra

Dr. Alexandra Gajewski

The Burlington Magazine / Institute of Historical Research, London

Weitere Mitgliedschaften im Bereich der Kunstgeschichte Britanniens und Irlands

British Archaeological Association, Society of Antiquaries


Medieval Monastic Architecture, Cult of Relics, Patronage, Medieval Women, Historiography


Paris: The Powers that Shaped the Medieval City (British Archaeological Association Conference Transactions), ed. Alexandra Gajewski and John McNeill 2023 (Routledge, Abingdon and New York 2023).

‘The Power of the Saints: Architecture and Liturgy in Abbot Suger’s Shrine-Choir at Saint Denis in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries’, in Paris: The Powers that Shaped the Medieval City, ed. Alexandra Gajewski and John McNeill, Abingdon and New York 2023.

“Gothic Architecture in Burgundy”, in Cambridge History of Religious Architecture (The Middle Ages), ed. Stephen Murray, Cambridge, pp.434–44.

“Attack on the Castle of Love: Flower Power or ‘Traffic in Women’? An Allegorical Representation Analysed from the Perspective of War and Gender”, in Gewalt, Krieg und Gender im Mittelalter, ed. Amalie Foessel, Bern, pp. 381–414.