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August 2023 scroll to top

Elisabeth Ansel: Jack B. Yeats. Nationale Identitätskonstruktionen in der irischen Moderne, Köln 2023.

Jack B. Yeats (1871–1957) gilt als zentraler Vertreter der irischen Moderne, der vor dem Hintergrund der irischen Unabhängigkeit bereits zu Lebzeiten zum Nationalkünstler stilisiert wurde. Ausgehend vom Schaffen des Malers untersucht das Buch mittels einer diskursanalytischen Herangehensweise sowie postkolonialer Perspektiven die Konstruktionsmechanismen nationaler Identität in der Bildkunst. Über die Auswertung umfangreicher Archivmaterialien gelingt erstmals eine systematische Aufarbeitung Yeats’ künstlerischer Verflechtungen mit der globalen Kunstgeschichte. Dabei wird der Konnex von Kunst und Politik anschaulich gemacht und die signifikante Funktion von Bildern im Kontext des Nation-Building markiert. Die fundierte Werkanalyse dient als Projektionsfläche einer kritischen Erforschung nationaler Verortungen und politisierender Zuschreibungen von Künstlerindividuen. Mit der kolonial geprägten Rezeption der irischen Moderne rückt gleichfalls der Aspekt der Marginalisierung einzelner Nationen in den Blick, womit die Publikation auch zu einer Re-Evaluierung der europäischen Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte beiträgt.

May 2022 scroll to top

Katharina Günther: Francis Bacon – In the Mirror of Photography. Collecting, Preparatory Practice and Painting, Boston/Berlin 2022

The British painter Francis Bacon (1909–1992) is famed for his idiosyncratic mode of depicting the human figure. Thirty years after his death, his working methods remain underexplored. New research on the Francis Bacon Studio Archive at Hugh Lane Gallery, Dublin, sheds light on the genesis of his works, namely the photographic source material he collected in his studios, on which he consistently based his paintings. The book brings together the artist’s pictorial springboards for the first time, delineating and interpreting recurring patterns and methods in his preparatory work and adoption of photographic material. In addition, it correctly locates ‘chance’ as a driving force in Bacon’s working method and qualifies the significance of photography for the painter.

August 2021 scroll to top

Alexis Joachimides: Die Ästhetik der Stadt. Städtebau in Bordeaux und Edinburgh 1730–1830.

The new towns of Bordeaux and Edinburgh were the two largest urban expansions in terms of area within Europe at the time of their development. Developing almost simultaneously between 1770 and 1830 as metropolitan residential districts, they spanned the transition from Early Modern urban planning to the urban development of bourgeois society. They can serve as examples of the shift from the classic ideal city to the 19th-century city of tenement blocks. In spite of this relevance, the two locations have thus far received little attention in the discourse surrounding historical urban development.

The study presented here aims to take this deficit as good cause to examine the two urban expansion processes from a comparative perspective for the purposes of drawing conclusions on the history of urban planning.

December 2020 scroll to top

Ina Knoth (ed.): Music and the Arts in England, c. 1670–1750, Dresden 2020, DOI:

There were various discussions on, and re-evaluations of, the interrelations of the arts in Engand in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The origins of these disputes were multi-layered and deeply rooted in fundamental social change which led to new conditions for the creation and reception of art, permitting new configurations for the professionalization of artists and the legitimation of the arts. Music of all kinds and genres was present in many parts of everyday life and a frequent little, twin or big sister to all the arts in discussion as well as practice. Therefore, the arts were not only interrelated but depended on one another to a certain degree within a diverse ‘public’ sphere. This publication explores socio-cultural contexts and critical as well as artistic interrelations of the arts in England, c. 1670–1750. Music’s salient compatibility with different arts makes it an ideal linchpin for delving into the reciprocity of the arts.

Publications scroll to top

F scroll to top

Fehrmann, Antje: Plausible Fiktionen: König Sigismund und die englische Repräsentation während des Konstanzer Konzils, in: Jiří Fajt, Markus Hörsch (Hg.), Vom Weichen über den Schönen Stil zur Ars Nova. Neue Beiträge zur europäischen Kunst zwischen 1350 und 1470, Wien, Köln, Weimar 2018, 199–228.

Fehrmann, Antje: Das Grabmal als Prozess: Form, Raum, Liturgie und Rezeption am englischen Königs- und Königinnengrabmal und an den königlichen Chantry Chapels, in: Francine Giese, Markus Thome, Anna Pawlak (Hg.): Grab, Erinnerung, Raum. Repräsentationskonzepte in der christlichen und islamischen Kunst der Vormoderne / Tomb, Memory, Space. Concepts of Representation in Premodern Christian and Islamic Art, Berlin 2018, S. 271–289, 341.

J scroll to top

Joachimides, Alexis: „Edinburgh’s First New Town from a Transnational Perspective. Continental Sources for Eighteenth-Century Town Planning in Britain“, in: Maria Effinger, Stephan Hoppe, Harald Klinke und Bernd Krysmanski (Hrsg.): Von analogen und digitalen Zugängen zur Kunst. Festschrift für Hubertus Kohle zum 60. Geburtstag, arthistoricum net, Heidelberg 2019, URL: <> und Heidelberg 2019, S. 71-82 - s. <>

P scroll to top

Pahl, Kerstin Maria, “Autographing the Self: Self-Portrayal through Lettering in Eighteenth-Century England,” Journal18 Issue 8 Self/Portrait (Fall 2019) <>

Pahl, Kerstin Maria Pahl, The Language of Love’s Lessening. Falling Out of Love and Nineteenth-Century English Literature, Cultural and Social History, 17:3, 2020, 391-406, DOI: 10.1080/14780038.2019.1689025